
There are many stresses in a person’s life that can increase their risk of suicide such as financial concerns, food insecurity, mental health, and homelessness to name a few. Addressing these issues can reduce the factors that increase the likelihood of suicide and protect against it.

The Missouri Veteran Commission’s Benefits & Resource Portal is a collection of federal, state and community resources for service members, Veterans and their families (SMVFs). There is a Veteran Service Officer (VSO) Locator Tool, where SMVFs can inquire about state and federal benefits they may be eligible for. There are also 20 categories of resources to choose from including: food, clothing, education, employment, legal, mental health, and more.

Media-How to Report on Suicide

Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide

Suicide is a public health issue. Media and online coverage of suicide should be informed by using best practices. Some suicide deaths may be newsworthy. However, the way media cover suicide can influence behavior negatively by contributing to contagion or positively by encouraging help-seeking.